Wolfgang Sternstein zu Mahatma Gandhi
Dr. Wolfgang Sternstein speaks about the presence and future of Satyagraha - active nonviolent resistence as applied by Mahatma Gandhi for the first time on September 11, 1906 in Johannesburg, South Africa. This was the beginning of a movement that inspired human rights actvists all over the world until today. Dr. Wolfgang Sternstein is peace and conflict researcher with focus on theory and practice of nonviolent action (satyagraha). The lecture was held on September 15, 2006 in the Indian Embassy at Berlin/Germany. (Quelle: youtube.com, am 23.04.2011 veröffentlicht)
Video: als webm Datei
Kulturnacht für den Südflügel am 09.01.2012
Friedensforscher Dr. Wolfgang Sternstein über zivilen Ungehorsam (Quelle: youtube.com, am 10.01.2012 veröffentlicht)